What To Know About South Asian Heart Health

Heart health matters in all demographics, especially the South Asian population. Dr. Gayathri Thiru, Dr. Seema Sangwan, and Dr. Gurpreet Padam make up the team at Apollo Health Care Center. When you are concerned about South Asian Heart Health in Mountain View, CA, these doctors can help you.

The South Asian Population

This is a very large group to focus medical data on. If mistakenly lumped in with other Asian Americans, you have a total of 40 ethnicities and even more languages. South Asians may include people from India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, and they have certain heart issues that are more prominent than in other groups.

Heart and Other Cardiovascular Concerns

One of the biggest concerns in this group is Ischemic Heart Disease. This form of heart disease can produce a high rate of heart attacks due to blocked coronary arteries. When compared to other cultures, South Asians are experiencing heart attacks at younger ages. According to UTSWMed, when a family history of heart disease is present, a South Asian patient has a three times greater risk of calcium buildup in the arteries. Therefore, proper healthcare, regular doctor visits, and timely intervention are part of maintaining good South Asian heart health in Mountain View, CA.

Diabetes Link

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the body has issues producing insulin. Indians have a higher risk of diabetes compared to other Asians. Indians also have a 33% higher rate of death from ischemic heart disease. According to Heart.org, diabetes doubles the likelihood of developing and dying from heart disease and other cardiovascular issues like stroke. The high level of glucose can damage your veins and nerves over time. Therefore, you need the care of experienced professionals who understand the specific cardiovascular concerns of this community.


Even if you have a family history of heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, your lifestyle can prevent these issues from occurring. Stay active, keep your weight down, and have a heart-healthy diet. Make sure you see your general medical practitioner and heart specialist for regular checkups and double-check if you suspect signs of heart problems. Avoid harmful practices like smoking, chewing tobacco use, or excessive drinking.

If you suspect or have been diagnosed with any cardiovascular issues, it’s time to make an appointment with Dr. Thiru, Dr. Sangwan, and Dr. Padam at Apollo Health Care Center today. This team has handled many cases concerning South Asian heart health in Mountain View, CA, and is ready to assist you. Contact our team today. Text (650) 456-9739 or call (408) 900-8077.

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Due to limited parking in the front of the building, give yourself additional time to park. Follow the signs to patient parking garage to the right of the building.


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